Model Employment Application

Whereas, A major hurdle in applying for full-time teaching positions lies in filling out each district's unique job application form; and

Whereas, The information collected in such documents is virtually identical;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore which parts of the California Community College application process might be standardized to facilitate employment opportunities for college teaching.

CSU Service Areas

Whereas, Some CSU campuses have determined local service areas which are used as a primary factor in transfer admissions selection; and

Whereas, The composition of the service areas discriminates against community colleges that are outside of the local service areas but that have historically transferred a significant number of students to these CSU campuses;

UC/CSU Transfer Admissions Practices

Whereas, The California community colleges serve as the primary gateway to higher education for 2.9 million Californians;

Whereas, Reductions in the state budget for the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) systems have become the catalyst for significant alterations in transfer admissions practices for California community college students;

Insistence That SLO Design Originate With Local Faculty

Whereas, In response to the 2002 Accreditation Standards, outside agencies or stakeholders (e.g., faculty on intersegmental groups, textbook publishers and consultants) have begun to create Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) with reference to local courses and programs;

Whereas, Local course, program and curriculum planning and development are matters of academic freedom and an area where local senates have primacy;

Whereas, Courses are determined for articulation based upon content and objectives, not SLOs; and

Support for Enrollment in Basic Skills

Whereas, Research has shown that students who complete a pre-collegiate basic skills course are more successful than students who do not; and

Whereas, Research has also shown that many students who are assessed as needing pre-collegiate basic skills work postpone or avoid enrollment in such courses;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the enrollment of students who are assessed as needing pre-collegiate basic skills into basic skills courses prior to their enrollment in college-level work.

Press Releases

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges appoint an Information Officer to carry out the procedure by contacting the media and the Legislature via the press release.

Health Fees

Whereas, Board of Governor (BOG) fee waiver students are not assessed health fees;

Whereas, There are state-mandated levels of minimum student health services for all students regardless of fees collected, resulting in fee-paying students subsidizing all students;

Whereas, At campuses with a high percentage of students with BOG fee waivers, student health services are being threatened or eliminated; and

Whereas, Student health services are often the only health care available to students;

Ramifications of the Brown Act

Whereas, The Los Angeles Superior Court recently ruled in Callahan v. Long Beach City College Academic Senate (a case involving an administrator suing an academic senate for alleged violations of the Brown Act) that academic senates are indeed subject to the Brown Act;

Whereas, The restrictions stipulated in the Brown Act are far from simple, potentially having both positive and negative consequences on local academic senates; and

Whereas, It would behoove all local academic senates to become as knowledgeable as possible about those consequences;

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