Academic and Professional Matters Purview

Whereas, Title 5 and Education Code clearly define faculty purview relative to academic and professional matters;

Whereas, Other organizations are submitting proposals and plans to change, alter, and revise aspects of California community colleges that are clearly academic and professional matters; and

Whereas, Current and proposed legislation are increasingly impinging upon the purview of faculty and academic senates;

Use C-ID to Determine Similarity of CCC and CSU Courses

Whereas, SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010) restricts the California State University (CSU) from requiring students to repeat courses at CSU that are “similar” to courses taken as part of a degree developed in response to SB 1440;

Whereas, Similar courses were not defined in the law resulting from SB 1440, and any determination of curricular similarity must be made by faculty; and

Whereas, The Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) provides descriptors for California community college courses that commonly transfer;

Increasing Faculty Voice

Whereas, The general public is bombarded with news articles and commentary about the failure of the California community colleges;

Whereas, Many individuals and organizations, based on their perspectives, have determined reasons for the failures of our colleges;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges president and committees are vigilant in presenting the perspectives of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, which are based on sound educational principles; and

Best Practices: Integrating Part-time Faculty into Shared-Governance

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is committed to professionalism for all faculty as an essential element in providing students with excellent educational opportunities, services, and instruction as recommended in Part-Time Faculty: A Principled Perspective (adopted Spring 2002); and

Whereas, The Academic Senate is committed to integrating part-time faculty into senate activities at the local and state level as stated in Part-Time Faculty: A Principled Perspective (2002); and

Support of Maintaining Academic Standards for Alcohol and Drug Academic Program

Whereas, The California Association of Alcohol and Drug Educators has for the last 25 years been funded by the California Department of Alcohol and Drugs to provide high academic education standards for over 40 community colleges;

Whereas, An effective alcohol and drug academic program in community college provides students with the highest level of education available, and a faculty that ascribes to those high standards is necessary to maintain the level of academic quality; and

Golden Four Grades in New Transfer Degrees

Whereas, SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010) has been signed into law, with one of its primary goals to decrease student accumulation of units as they complete a degree and prepare to transfer;

Whereas, Resolution 4.03 S10 recognized that a “transfer degree” was imminent and called for the Academic Senate to “strongly encourage all local senates to ensure that students are provided with the degree options that meet their needs, be that aligning degree requirements with transfer institutions or offering degrees that serve as preparation for work”; and

Adopt and Publicize California Community College International Baccalaureate List and Template

Whereas, Resolution 9.01 S10 “International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Applicability to Associate Degree General Education Requirements” called for the development of a suggested system-wide policy template regarding the use of IB scores for meeting associate degree general education requirements for local consideration and potential adoption;

SB 1440 Long Term Impact Research

Whereas, The recently signed SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010) intends to improve the ability of students to transfer from California community colleges to California State Universities (CSU);

Whereas, The impact of this law will potentially affect enrollment patterns and other existing patterns of service and instruction provided to students by California community colleges;

Whereas, While the bill requires research on student transfer and success rates, nothing in SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010) requires research into possible unintended or undesirable consequences; and

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