Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Number Year Session Topic Title Committee Status
01.04 2021 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Greater Transparency in the Committee Appointment Process President, Vice President, Executive Director Ongoing
05.01 2021 Spring Budget and Finance Support for Additional Guided Pathways Funding and Extension of Current Funding Deadlines Due to COVID-19 President, Executive Director Assigned
05.02 2019 Fall Budget and Finance Extend the Hold-Harmless Provision of the Funding Formula President Assigned
05.01 2019 Spring Budget and Finance Funding for Guided Pathways Transformation President Assigned
05.02 2019 Spring Budget and Finance Guided Pathways Budget Development President Completed
01.01 2018 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Academic Senate for the California Online Community College President Completed
01.05 2018 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Faculty Role in the California Online Community College President Assigned
01.02 2018 Spring Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Resolution Honoring Rich Hansen President Completed
05.01 2017 Spring Budget and Finance Sustainable Funding for Inmate Education Programs President Assigned
01.02 2016 Spring Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Honor and Thank Emeritus Chancellor Brice Harris President Completed
05.01 2014 Spring Budget and Finance Oppose Flexibility Allowances Provided in the Governor's January Budget President Completed
05.02 2014 Spring Budget and Finance Endorse Funding for Full-Time Faculty and Addressing Issues with the Faculty Obligation Number (FON) President Completed
14.02 2014 Spring Grading Policies Local Use of Available Noncredit Progress Indicators President Completed
01.05 2013 Spring Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Institute and Plenary Sessions on Facilities Planning President Not Addressed
05.01 2013 Spring Budget and Finance Call for Statewide Conversation on Funding Formulas to Maintain Comprehensive Course and Program Offerings President Assigned
01.01 2012 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Support and Advocacy for Regulatory Mechanisms That Ensure Faculty Recommendations on Academic and Professional Matters are Given Their Fullest Consideration President Completed
01.04 2012 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Supporting City College of San Francisco and Its Faculty President Completed
05.01 2011 Fall Budget and Finance Oppose Student Success Task Force Recommendation on Basic Skills Funding President Completed
05.02 2011 Fall Budget and Finance Student Success Task Force Recommendations to Redirect Prop 98 Funds President Completed
05.03 2011 Fall Budget and Finance Campus Child Development Laboratory/Child Development Centers President Completed
05.02 2011 Spring Budget and Finance Incentives to Encourage Effective Student Behaviors for Success President Completed
05.03 2011 Spring Budget and Finance Oppose Potential Permanent Elimination of all Categorical Funding President Completed
01.03 2010 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Professional Development for Successful Implementation of SB 1440 and AB 2302 President Completed
05.01 2010 Spring Budget and Finance Comprehensive Funding for Child Development Labs President Completed
01.05 2009 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Budget Training for Local Senates President Assigned