Whereas the CalWORKs program has now been in place for three years but is still not fully integrated into the individual colleges, and

Whereas faculty are not sufficiently involved in curriculum development decisions involving CalWORKs students, and

Whereas instructional and student service faculty are not involved in budget development in CalWORKs programs at the local colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate be identified as a primary resource for instructional development in the CalWORKs program, and

Student Fees for Student Services

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges supports the full spectrum of student services to be funded by college appropriations, and has historically opposed imposition of any new fees on our students, and

Whereas there is recurrent discussion of new student fees either voluntary or mandatory to pay for such things as textbooks, technology, and instructional materials,

Textbook Grants

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has always supported removal of barriers to student access and success, and

Whereas the average cost per year of community college textbooks is $861, thus creating a barrier to access and success for low income students, and

Whereas AB 2496 (Washington) provides that students receiving Board of Governors' fee waivers will also receive grants for textbooks,

Faculty Evaluation of Management

Whereas Education Code 87663(i) says, "It is the intent of the Legislature that evaluation of administrators include, to the extent possible, faculty evaluation," and

Whereas these procedures have not been implemented at many California community colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community College urge local academic senates to seek implementation of AB 1725 in the evaluation of management by including input from all supervised faculty in the periodic evaluations of all academic administrators.

Honoring Faculty

Whereas California community colleges have a variety of ways to honor full- and part-time faculty, and

Whereas recognizing the achievements of colleagues has become an important function of local senates,

Resolved that the Academic Senate hold a breakout at the Fall 2000 Plenary Session that presents a variety of ideas for recognizing and awarding faculty achievement.

Faculty Accountability

Whereas most measures of faculty productivity reduce faculty to mere engines of FTES and WSCH, ignoring the wide array of faculty functions that contribute qualitatively to college effectiveness and student success, and

Whereas administrators and governing boards need to be aware of the varied contributions faculty regularly make,

Resolved that the Academic Senate study the various aspects of faculty productivity, beyond narrow quantitative measures, with the goal of producing a document similar to the CSUC/SUNY Joint Statement.

Administrator Accountability

Whereas there is an increasing accountability focus on student achievements, and most of these measures focus on student achievement in courses and programs, and

Whereas faculty effectiveness is routinely figured on an FTE to FTES basis, and educational programs are routinely reviewed with regard to faculty effectiveness, student enrollment, and student outcomes, and

Whereas there is no present process for quantifying or tracking administrator accountability, and

Whereas AB 1725 states that faculty should be included in the evaluation of administrators,

Developing Academic Senates at New California Community Colleges

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assists local academic senates, and

Whereas emerging and/or newly established community colleges have a unique and undeniable need to establish a local academic senate and are mandated by accreditation standards to establish a participatory college governance system, and

Whereas local academic senates at emerging colleges should embody the strength, wisdom, and best practices of all of the local senates that have preceded them,

Revising Best Practices Model Publications

Whereas one constitutional aim of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is to strengthen local academic senates in the fulfillment of their primary responsibility for recommendations to local governing boards on academic and professional matters, and

Whereas one stated function of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is to provide statewide communication between local academic senates in order to coordinate the actions and requests of the faculty of the California community colleges, and

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