Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Number Year Session Topic Title Committee Status
01.09 1998 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Part-time Faculty President Completed
06.03 1998 Spring State and Legislative Issues Overcrowded Facilities President Completed
06.05 1996 Fall State and Legislative Issues 75/25 Compliance President Completed
01.02 1996 Spring Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Chancellors Selection Process President Completed
06.07 1996 Spring State and Legislative Issues Title 5: "Shall" Means Mandatory President Completed
01.02 2000 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Reconstitution of Leadership Initiative President Completed
06.01 2000 Fall State and Legislative Issues Student Equity President Completed
06.05 2000 Fall State and Legislative Issues 50% Audit of All Districts President Completed
01.01 2000 Spring Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI) President Completed
06.02 2000 Spring State and Legislative Issues College Credit for High School Courses President Completed
06.04 2000 Spring State and Legislative Issues Matriculation Provisions Belong in Education Code President Completed
06.03 2004 Fall State and Legislative Issues Mission of the California Community Colleges President Completed
06.05 2004 Fall State and Legislative Issues California Performance Review President Completed
06.06 2004 Fall State and Legislative Issues Elimination of Board of Governors and Reduction of System Office President Completed
01.03 1997 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Archives Online President Completed
01.04 1997 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Scheduling of Area Meetings (Non-Urgent from Spring 97) President Completed
01.05 1997 Fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Timing of Senate Resolutions President Completed